Introduction to negotiation and conflict management
1 to 4 days training that covers basic concepts and tools for negotiation, conflict analysis and management; supports participants self-awareness in general and in conflict situations; and offers some experience in constructive conflict resolution. During the trainings participants experience various negotiation and conflict situations as stakeholders, and are encouraged to use negotiation different techniques and tactics. The experience of own and group behavior and dynamics create the basis for the understanding of conflict situations, their dynamics and their constructive management. The concepts covered include: ZOPA, BATNA, competitive, investigative and collaborative negotiation, value creating and claiming strategies and tactics, role of third parties…
Multi-party conflict management
1 to 4 days training that covers basic concepts of and methods for conflict analysis and management and the management of multi-stakeholder processes. During the trainings participants experience various negotiation and conflict situations as stakeholders, and use techniques and tactics to resolve them. The experience of own and group behavior and dynamics create the basis for the understanding of multi-party conflict situations, their dynamics and their constructive management. The concepts covered include: conflict and stakeholder analysis, conflict escalation and de-escalation process, convening and representation, facilitation of group problem solving, linkages of conflict resolution to formal decision making.
Collaborative negotiation and conflict resolution for leaders
The course is part of the Leadership Education program for public sector leaders, developed within the frame of an EU sponsored project in the Public Leadership Education Centre. It offers introduction and practice to the Harvard method for negotiation, and to methods adapted to deal with emotionally charged conflicts. It teaches basic concepts that help to identify, understand and map causes of conflicts, and presents the principles and method of collaborative negotiation and conflict management. The skill and behavioural components offer opportunity to collect personal experiences and practice problem solving and conflict resolution methods in simulations designed on typical situations in public sector. The course is held in a training format that is based on experimental teaching methodology. The students participate in interactive exercises, individual and group reflections and debates.
Mediation: Conflict management and resolution, Academy for Mayors, Hungary
The Academy for Mayors was established by the Corvinus University and the Association of Hungarian Local governments with the support offered by the Norwegian bilateral funds. Within the frame of the Academy Mayors a one year long post graduate education is offered for the elected decision makers. During the first year of the program I was commissioned (with a colleague) to elaborate a module on the management of conflicts related to local issues and inter-municipal disputes. The tasks were the preparation of a textbook for the participants and a teaching method for conflict resolution. The module was based on experience-based training technique. Its components included, practical exercises, skill building elements, case study analysis, discussions and short conceptual and knowledge components. After the success of the course during the first year, we recieved an invitation for an extended version for the second year.