
csomó 4 sarokkal teljesPallai, K., (2018) : Korrupciómegelőzés és integritás. in: Farkas Johanna. szerk.: Pszichológia a közszolgálatban I. egyetemi tankönyv.. Budapest: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem. 2018. (megjelenés alatt) Pallai Integritás tankönyvfejezet Pallai Katalin korrupció és integritás

Pallai, K., (2018): Az integratív csoportfolyamat. in: Krémer András – Monoszalainé Bors, Ágnes – Pallai Katalin – Ruzsa Ágota –Siklaki István: Eszközök integritás tanácsadók számára személyes kompetenciáik fejlesztéséhez egyetemi tankönyv. Budapest: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem 2018. (megjelenés alatt) Pallai részek

Pallai K, – Siklaki I., (2018): Politológiai és pszichológiai elméletek a korrupció elemzéséhez. (egyetemi tankönyv) Budapest: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem 2018. (megjelenés alatt) Pallai Siklaki korrupció kötetFinalLektorált

Pallai K., (2018): Összefoglaló az egyetemi és posztgraduális oktatás módszertani elméletekről. Pro Publico Bono – Magyar Közigazgatás 2018. (megjelenés alatt) Draft: Pallai Összefoglaló az oktatásmódszertani elméletekről

Pallai K., (2018): A feszített gubanc – Interdiszciplináris összegzés korrupcióelméletek és antikorrupciós stratégiák összefüggéseiről. Pro Publico BonoMagyar Közigazgatás 2018. (megjelenés alatt) Draft: Pallai Feszített gubanc

Pallai, K – Klotz, P. (2017): Educating professionals to lead collective action processes to curb complex patterns of corruption in the Hungarian Public Administration – the process and first impacts, a case study. European Police Science and Research Bulletin – Special Issue: Global Trends in Law Enforcement Education. 2017. (3) 235-246. CEPOL Pallai Klotz

4forras_2017_oct_jav01Pallai K., (2017): Co-creation of post-graduate curriculum by academics and practitioners – a case study  – EGPA Conference, Milan, Italy, Augusztus 30.-Szeptember 1. 2017. Pallai EGPA 2017 IX WG   file:///C:/Users/Pallai%20Katalin/Downloads/Pallai%20EGPA%202017%20IX%20WG.pdf

Pallai K., (2017): The integrity development in corruption tolerant context in the post-truth world – a case study – EGPA Conference, Milan, Italy, Augusztus 30.-Szeptember 1. 2017 Pallai EGPA 2017 VII WG file:///C:/Users/Pallai%20Katalin/Downloads/Pallai%20EGPA%202017%20VII%20WG.pdf

Pallai, K. (2016): Collaborative curriculum development: a transformative process for transformative education. in: Senses-Ozyurt, S- Klein, S.- Nemeskéri, Zs. eds.:Educating for Democratic Governance and Global Citizenship. (pp. 110-125) World Council for Curriculum Instruction. San Diego, Ca: USA  pallai-chapter-wcci-book wcci-chapter-scan

Gregor, A- Pallai, K. (2017): kormánytisztviselői integritás tréningek hatásosságának elemzése. 2. rész: A módszerben rejlő további lehetőségek. Pro Publico Bono. 2017. (1) 70-89 PPB_2017_1_korr_jav

Gregor, A- Pallai, K. (2016): kormánytisztviselői integritás tréningek hatásosságának elemzése. 1. rész: A validálás hiánya és fontossága. Pro Publico Bono. 2016. (2) 4-25  Pallai Gregor Pro publico 1 resz

oktmuhely_2017_oct_jav01[1]Pallai, K (2016): The Need for a New Expertise Profile in Anticorruption. Paper prepared for the Anticorruption Collective Action Conference, Basel, Switzerland. 21-22. October 2016collective-action-conference-2016-katalin-pallai

Pallai, K-Klotz, P (2016): Educating professionals to lead collective action processes to curb complex patterns of corruption in the Hungarian Public Administration – the process and first impacts, a case study. Paper prepared for the CEPOL European Police Research and Science Conference, 6-8 October, Budapest, Hungary

Pallai, Katalin, 2016: Collaborative curriculum development: a transformative process for transformative education – the case of integrity advisor education in Hungary. paper prepared for the 17th WCCI World Conference on Education. Budapest, 10-15. July, 2016. Pallai paper WCCI integrity pedagogy

Pposterallai, Katalin (2016): What can we learn from a simple survey? Effectiveness Assessment of Public Integrity Training Courses – a case study, Paper prepared for the OECD Integrity Forum, Paris, 19-20 April, 2016. Integrity-Forum-16-Katalin-Pallai  pallai-integrity-forum-poster

Pallai, Katalin. & Gregor, Anikó. (2016). ‘Assessment of Effectiveness of Public Integrity Work-shops for Civil Servants – a case study’. Teaching Public Administration Journal. DOI: 10.1177/0144739416650431.pallai-gregor-tpa-2016

Pallai, K. (2016): The Stretched Tangle – a Metaphor for Corruption in Hungary and for Explaining a New Approach to Curbing Corruption. Paper presented at the Trans-European Dialogue 9 conference organized by EGPA and NISPACEE. Zagreb. 5-6. February 2016. Pallai TED9 paper

Pallai, Katalin (2015): Integritásoktatás a közszolgálati képzésben – építkező oktatás a fejlődő integritásért. .(Teaching Integrity in Public Administration Education) in: Dargay, Eszter –Juhász, Lilla Mária eds: Antikorrupció és Integritás. (pp. 93-108.) Budapest: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem. Dr Pallai Katalin integritásoktatás

Pallai, Katalin – Aniko Gregor (2015): Assessment of Effectiveness of Public Integrity Training Workshops for Civil Servants. paper presented at the Annual Conference of EGPA (European Group for Public Administration), Toulouse, 26 August EGPA paperafter conference

Pallai, Katalin (2015): Impact of culture on the results of a tender for faculty for a post-graduate education program: the role of sense making, expectations and networks of potential teachers. Conference paper presented at IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration Annual Conference. Paris, 8 July, 2015 IASIA 2015 Conference Pallai paper

Pallai, Katalin (2015): Education of public integrity advisors at NUSP: training for leading transformative change. paper presented at the Conference of the Transatlantic Policy Consortium. 12. June. Budapes

Pallai, Katalin, 2015: Dialogue, norms and the argumentative method in democratic governance. Text book. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest, pp. 26 Pallai értékalapu kormányzás jegyzet

PorgPIMallai, Katalin, 2015: Planning and implementing public ethics trainings. Textbook. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest, pp. 33. Pallai etikai tréning jegyzet

Pallai Katalin, 2014: Integritás menedzsment vezetői tréning (Training Leaders to Integrity management). Training manual. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 110.

Pallai Katalin, 2014: Design considerations and results of a large integrity training program for civil servants in Hungary. NICPACEE Conference proceedings

Pallai, Katalin, 2014: A tréningek szerepe az integritásoktatásban. Társadalom és Honvédelem. 2015; XIX. (1): 27–43. pallai_katalin_TH_2015

Pallai Katalin, 2014: Design considerations and results of a large integrity training program for civil servants in Hungary. Pro Publico Bono katalin-pallai_designconsideration-results-of-a-large-integrity-training-program-for-civilservants-in-hungary.original

Pallai, Katalin – Kis Norbert 2014: „A teljesség felé” Integritásoktatás és kutatás a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetemen. Pénzügyi Szemle. 2014. No. 2. p.167-181 kisn-pallaik-2014-2

Pallai, Katalin 2014: Bevezető gondolatok a közigazgatási integritás és integritás menedzsment témájához. Pro Publico Bono – Magyar Közigazgatás. 2014./ 1. p. 181-194. bevezeto-gondolatok-a-kozigazgatasi-integritas-es-integritasmenedzsment-temajahoz.original

Pallai, K- Kis, N. 2014: „Towards integrity”. Integrity Education and Research at the National Public Service University. Public Finance Quaterly. 2014. No. 2. 149-164. a-kisn-pallaik-2014-2

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Multiculturalism. Training manual. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 25.

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Kooperatív tárgyalás és konfliktuskezelés (Coopartive negotiation and conflict resolution). textbook. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 63. Pallai Kooperatív tárgyalás és konflktuskezelés

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Multikulturalizmus. (Multiculturalism). Training manual. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 31.

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Integritás menedzsment (Integrity management). Training manual. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 63.

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Integritás menedzsment (Integrity management). Trainers’ guide. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. Budapest. p. 78.

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Közszolgálati etika és integritás. (Public ethics and integrity) Training manual. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 63.

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Közszolgálati etika és integritás. (Public ethics and integrity) Trainers’ guide. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. Budapest. p. 55.

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Conflict management and Consensus Building. training materials for integrity advisors. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 58. Konflktus és konszenzus jegyzet résztvevőknek

Pallai Katalin, 2013: Conflict management and Consensus Building. training manual. Institute of Management Development and Lifelong Learning of the National Public Service University. Budapest. p. 38.

Pallai, Katalin, 2012: Részvételi eljárások települési és közösségi viták és konfliktusok kezelésére – javaslat egy konzisztens terminológiára. Magyar Közigazgatás 2012/1. szám, szakmai fórum, pp. 77-90. 2012 Magyar Kozigazgatas_Pallai katalin cikk-2

Pallai, Katalin, 2012: Participatory Approaches to Dealing with Community Conflicts and Disputes. Part 1 – Suggesting a Consistent Taxonomy Jenei, Ágnes ed: Municipal Communication. Budapest: Corvinus University. pp. 87-100.

Pallai, Katalin, 2012: Participatory Approaches to Dealing with Community Conflicts and Disputes. Part 2. – Participatory Processes for Complex Cases. In: Jenei, Ágnes ed: Municipal Communication. Budapest: Corvinus University. pp.101-110.

Bíró, Anna Mária – Katalin Pallai, 2011: Public financing of National Minority Organizations. Policy Paper written for the CoE  Public financing of national minority organisations Biro and Pallai

Pallai, Katalin, 2011: Civilek a társadalmi párbeszédben. Hogyan változzunk konstruktív partnerekké? (NGOs in the Public Dialogue. How can we become constructive partners?) Parola. A közösségfejlesztők folyóirata. 2011. Vol. XXII. No.4. pp. 3-9. Pallai Parola 2011_4   or Link

Pallai, Katalin, 2011: Konfliktuskezelés és Tárgyalási Módszerek. (Conflict management and negotiation) textbook. Budapest: Corvinus University. pp 70. 2011 Pallai vitarendezés jegyzet BCE

Pallai, Katalin, 2011: Public participation in multi-ethnic local governments. Budapest: OSI/LGI. p. 60

Pallai, Katalin, 2010: Manual for the Best Practice Program for local governments. Council of Europe and Association of Hungarian Local Governments. p. 56

Pallai, Katalin, 2010: A folyamat fontossága. (The importance of the process) Budapest: Metropoly Fórum.

Pallai, Katalin, 2010: Kézikönyv Trénereknek a Képviselő-testületi Tréning Levezetéséhez. (Manual for Trainers for the Councillor Training) Budapest: Települési Önkormányzatok Országos Szövetsége. pp 147.

Pallai, Katalin, 2010: Társadalmi részvétel települési képviselőknek. (Citizen Participation for Local Councillors). Academy for Mayors. Textbook for elected leaders. Budapest: Corvinus University. pp.42 2010 Tarsadalami reszvetel

Pallai, Katalin, 2010: “Reflections on City Strategy Drafting – Budapest’s Sinuous Process1991-2002”. Chapter 8. In: Ramirez, L and G. Kebede eds: Strategic Planning for Local development: Case studies form small and mid-sized European cities. UN-Habitat. pp 121-134. Strategic_planning_LGI_UNHabitat_English2

Pallai, Katalin, 2010: Miért szeretm ezt a projektet? – Gondolatok a helyi demokráciafejlesztésről. (Reasons why I like this project? – Reflections on local democracy building) In: Fekete, Katalin ed.: Közös ügyeink. (Our Common Affairs). Alsómocsolád.  pp. 25-34. Miért szeretem? – Gondolatok a helyi demokráciafejlesztésről

Krémer, A – Pallai, K, 2009: Közösségi konfliktuskezelés településvezetőknek (Community Conflict Management for Local Leaders). Textbook for the Academy for Mayors. Budapest, Corvinus University. 2009 krémer pallai konfliktus

Fürjes, B.- Krémer A.- Pallai, K. 2009: Közösségi konfliktuskezelés, Alternatív vitarendezési módszerek a települési és közösségi konfliktusok kezelésében. (Community conflict resolution. ADR methods in Community affairs). Budapest. Negos pp. 26 2009 Fürjes krémer Pallai

Pallai, K. ed. 2009: Who Decides? Development, Planning, Services and Vulnerable Groups. Budapest: OSI/LGI. pp.254 Who Decides?

Pallai, K. 2009: Critical analysis of the Indonesian local planning system and the possible role of donor programs. Working paper. LGI-RWI.

Pallai, K – Vasilache A, 2009: Strategic planning. Training material

Pallai K,-Vasilache A. 2009: Strategic process alternatives. Training material.

Pallai K,-Vasilache A. 2009: Visioning. Training material.

Pallai K,-Vasilache A. 2009: Strategic goals and objectives. Training material.

Pallai K,-Vasilache A. 2009: Thinking spaces in local development planning. Training material.

Pallai K,-Vasilache A. 2009: Participation in local development planning. Training material.

Pallai Katalin, 2009: Power relations in public participation. Training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2008: “Participation and the case for open society”. In. LGI Brief. 2008. Vol 9. No.1. (2008. Spring) pp. 62-66. 2008 pallai participation and open society

Pallai, Katalin, 2006: The Budapest Budgeting Reform Strategy between 1995-99: The Analysis of a Local Public Management Reform through System Paradigms, PhD dissertation, 2006

Pallai, Katalin , 2006: “How can strategies become destructive?” in: Schrenk, M. ed: International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development, conference proceedings, Vienna, 2006 How can strategies become destructive?

Pallai, Katalin , 2006: “Dilemmas on LED strategies”, LGI Brief, Vol 7. No. 1. (2006 Spring) pp.18-24 Dilemmas on LED strategies

Pallai, Katalin ed (and team leader) 2005:  Better Local Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, National Human Development Report, UNDP, 2005

Pallai, Katalin, 2005: “Leadership and Post-Communist Transformation in Eastern Europe:  Lessons from Hungary and Budapest”, paper prepared for the World Bank PREM Public Sector Group  (PRMPS) Program on Leadership in Post-Conflict Countries, 2005

Pallai, Katalin . 2006: “The challenge of strategic planning in South East Europe”, paper prepared for the Regional Conference of LGI/OSI, Antalya (Turkey) (2006)

Pallai, K- Driscoll, J (2005): The challenge of strategic planning in South East Europe, paper prepared for the Regional Conference of LGI/OSI, Antalya (Turkey)

Pallai, K (2005): Being Strategic I, issue paper on strategic planning, course reader for Urban Strategy course of LGI/OSI

Pallai, K (2005): Being Strategic II., issue paper on strategy implementation, course reader for Urban Strategy course of LGI/OSI

Pallai, Katalin, 2004: “Strategic planning: The case of the Municipality of Budapest”, in Koppany-Wetzel-el Daher eds.: Sub-national Modernization Challenges, The World Bank and OSI/LGI, 2004. pp. 405-418

Pallai, Katalin . 2004: “Local financial management reform: The case of the Municipality of Budapest”, in Koppany-Wetzel-el Daher eds.: Sub-national Modernization Challenges, The World Bank and OSI/LGI, 2004 . pp. 455-470

Pallai, Katalin , 2003: The Budapest Model, a liberal urban policy experiment, editor and chapter writer, World Bank, World Bank Institute and OSI/LGI, 2003, pp. 442 2003 Budapest Modell  2003 Budapest Modell engl coverenglish text

Several training materials published, on: World Bank, Decentralization program web-page, World Bank Institute 1998- present

Pallai, Katalin , 2002: “Hungarian experience on decentralization”, in: Rebuilding Effective Government: Local-Level Initiatives in Transition, UNDP, 2002.

Pallai, Katalin , 2002: “The case of Budapest: administrative re-organization and capacity building”, in: Rebuilding Effective Government: Local-Level Initiatives in Transition, UNDP, 2002.

Pallai, Katalin, 2001: User charge and subsidy policy in Budapest, case study for training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2001: Utility policy in Budapest, case study for training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2001: Privatization in Budapest, case study for training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2001: Case study: Financing reform in Budapest, case study for training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2000: Hungarian Decentralization, case study for training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2000: Strategic reforms in Budapest, case study for training material

Pallai, Katalin, 2000: “Evaluation of the Process of Strategic Planning in Budapest ”, Budapesti Negyed, 2000. pp. 178-192 Link

Pallai, Katalin , 2000: Urban Development of Budapest, Visions and Concepts in 2000, Municipality of Budapest, 2000, pp. 24.

Pallai, Katalin – Iván Tosics, 1998: Gestaltung einer Grossstadt”, Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, 1998. No 10.  pp 22-43

Several training materials published, in: Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Eastern Europe, Source Book for Policy Analysts and Trainers, USAID and Urban Institute, 2000

Pallai, Katalin , 1999: Financial Management and Reform in the Municipality of Budapest, 1990-1998, Municipality of Budapest, 1999. 20. pp.

Pallai, Katalin , 1999: Privatization of Public Utilities in Budapest 1994-1998, Municipality of Budapest, 1999. 76. pp. (published also In Hungarian) priv small priv small

Pallai, Katalin- Tosics, Ivan ed., 1999: Preparatory Studies for the Long and Medium Term Urban Development Concept and Program for the Municipality of Budapest, (with I. Tosics, Porject Managers), 1999, 360. pp.

Locsmándi, G-Pallai, K, 1999.: “Framework and system of policies”, In: Preparatory studies for the Long and Medium Term Urban Development Concept and Program For the Municipality of Budapest, 42.pp.

Pallai, K, 1999: “Public space program”, In: Preparatory studies for the Long and Medium Term Urban Development Concept and Program For the Municipality of Budapest, 38.pp.

Gronievszky, T – Pallai, K- Schulek, J – P.Schuchmann, P, 1999: “Sustainability of the urban environment”, In: Preparatory studies for the Long and Medium Term Urban Development Concept and Program For the Municipality of Budapest, 24.pp.

Molnár, L – Pallai, K, 1999: “Policies to solve the traffic crisis”, In Preparatory studies for the Long and Medium Term Urban Development Concept and Program For the Municipality of Budapest, 42.pp.

Pallai, K- Tosics, I, 1999: “Strategic Development Concept and Operative Program for the Central-Hungarian Regio”, preconcept, pp. 86.

Gauder, P- Pallai, K- Tosics, I, 1999: “Strategic Development Concept for the Agglomeration of Budapest” , preconcept, pp. 75

Gauder, P- Pallai, K- Tosics, I, 1999: “Strategic Development Concept for the Agglomeration of Budapest”, preliminary research, pp. 118

Pallai, K – Tosics, I, 1997: “Shopping Centers in Budapest, A Study on the Possibility of Regulation” A Monograph Prepared for the Chief-Architect of Budapest, the Metropolitan Research Institute. 21pp.

Hegedűs, J – Pallai, K – Tosics, I, 1995: “DBR Metro Pre-Feasibility: chapters on Financing, Urban structure, and Socio-spatial effects”, A monograph of the Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest,

Pallai, Katalin- Tosics, Ivan ed. , 1998: Long and Medium Term Urban Development Concept and Program For the Municipality of Budapest, Municipality of Budapest(with I. Tosics, Porject Managers), 1998, 171.pp.

Pallai, Katalin, 1998: South-Budapest “Traffic Game” or, Analysis of the Problems of the Transportation network of South- Budapest in the Form of a Strategic Game”, Tér és Társadalom (Space and Society), 1998. No3-4. pp. 133-153

Pallai, Katalin, 1996: “Historic Areas: Destroyed or Destructive: The Role of Heritage in the Urban Development of Budapest in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” in: Jacek Purchla, ed, The Historic Metropolis – Hidden Potential. International Cultural Center, Krakow 1996, pp. 139-152.

Pallai, Katalin- József Hegedűs– Iván Tosics, 1995: “Financing Strategy for the Budapest Municipal Government Program 1995-2000”, in Pál Baross and Wojciek Peski, eds., Banking of Cities, the Use of Municipal Assets for Urban Development Finances, Warsaw:  Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, 1995.

Pallai, Katalin , 1994: “Területi értékvédelem Prágában és Budapesten,” (Urban Preservation in Prague and Budapest ). Magyar Építõmûvészet (Hungarian Architecture), 1993. No.5. pp. 12-17

Pallai, Katalin, 1994: “A restaurálás korlátai ” (Limits of Restoration). Magyar Építõmûvészet (Hungarian Architecture), 1994. No.6. pp. 40-42.

Budapest Jövõje: Várospolitika 2000-ig “ (Future of Budapest: Urban Policy to 2000 (with J. Hegedûs and I. Tosics). Municipality of Budapest, 1994, 109 pp.

“Pallai, K, 1992: The Case of Budapest: A Presentation for the Comparative Study of Cities,” in Zbigniew Zuziak, ed., Managing Tourism in Historic Cities  (Krakow: International Cultural Center, 1992), Chapter 14.

“Priority Development Projects of  Budapest“, co-author (Budapest: Office of the Mayor, 1992), 41 pp.

“The Program of Mayor Demszky”, Co-Editor and Co-Manager (Budapest Office of the Mayor, 1991), 219 pp.

Pallai, K, 1989: “Szentendre and its Museums“ (A Historical and Cultural Guide), Budapest. Láng Publishing, (isecond edition, 1998), 146    pp.

Pallai, K, 1989: “Your Guide To Budapest“ (A Historical and Urban Development Guide To Budapest), Budapest. Láng Publishing, (third edition, 1996), 176 pp.